Monday, March 30, 2009

Love & Logistics

Ok so my hubby and I went to a class called "Love & logic" we have heard about this before. Great we hear... Make your kids make choices and learn from them when they are young, so they dont hurt as much when they grow up. let them learn from their bad choices, dont say that is a bad choice, the answer is no, let them try it and figure it out on their own. And learn from it.

So heres the story... Am sneaks chocolat ALL the time she will get a bag of hershey kisses and sit under the table till shes caught. She LOVES Junk food. So I told her..When she asked for chocolate "Oh you had your breakfast already, so you can have all the chocolate you want, call me when you are done with this bar & I will open another one" So she did....

She had 3 1/2 bars! happy as a lark! so she could'nt eat any more.
So she was supposed to feel sick, and not like chocolate as much, but as my luck goes...
Didn't happen!
She still loves the junk food!
So much for a lesson!
I tried!
How does she win at this!

Rollin Rollin Rollin!

There is a park down town that has a big hill...
needless to say there are lots of children rolling on any given day, and dogs....
Well you can guess what that means...

None of the little ones headed my advice...
They rolled, and rolled, and rolled.

And well you can predict, one of them got to the bottom a little more stinky than they were at the top. It is a good thing that we just caught that box of Irish Spring soap like 30 minutes before!

Parade Day....

Look it is something you don't see every day! A truck driving down the street!
St. Pattys day parade was the saturday before St. Pattys day. It was fun, People lined the streets for what here we call a parade. This is a picture of 2 older white men driving a low rider, gotta say this was a sight for our family. The boys were excited to catch a bar of Irish spring soap being thrown from the back of a vehicle. Good thing too now they will smell fresh!

Am & Ad would catch a tootsie roll every now and then. They enjoyed all the candy.

Tattoed Am... what you cannot see is the other cheek,
and the forhead also said HuHot too!

This is a picture of the 3 jeeps driving down the street!
Nope, no marching bands.
There were Irish sheep dogs Like 20.
Girl scouts,
and The masons in their Minimidget cars
(Theres really gotta be a story behind that)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Will they Know by our Love!

Wow talk about an emotional week. If anyone has any extra prayers I could sure use a few. I actually don't even know how, but I have been drug into drama at a place I donate time, and it is all starting to get pretty hairy, I am so tired of grown people who say they are "Christian" acting like the kids in elementary school, rumors, lies, slander. Come on and get real. Don't we all have better things to do with our lives than try to drag other christian people down? Aren't we here for a purpose... God put us here to bring people to him, and we can't even get along with our "Christian" sisters??
Gimme a break. There was a song that we sang at a church we visited a few weeks ago. It is an OLD hymn, but the words struck me as the beginning of this "drama" was unfolding I noticed, and remembered these words.
I hope the link to the video works but these are the words. With a few of my own comments...

\ Carolyn Arends \ They'll Know We Are Christians
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we pray that all unity may one day be restored And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love
Wow How true...
We will work with each other, we will work side by side We will work with each other, we will work side by side And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love
By our love, by our love
Work with each other? Not fight? not bicker and make things up to bring others down? Guard ones dignity? Not slander eachother? Hmmm...Save each ones pride? NOT Have pride in ourselves, and not trust each other with their God given gifts and talents?
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love
By our love, by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love They will know we are Christians by our love
Hand in Hand? not hand to face, not fist to fist. With eachother, not Aganst! Why must we argue that our way is better, or prejudge others and insist they are evil? We Will walk together. We will spread the news that God is in our land, after we are done arguing... and slandering each other it will be too late. What Love? Do we as "Christians" have love for eachother? Do we pre judge and beat each other up, so as the people around us have absolutely NO evidence we are Christians?
Love is patient, love is kind Never boasts, not full of pride Always hopes, always trusts The evidence of Christ in us
Wow words we can all learn so much from... Look around and love on someone today, there are Non- Christians watching our every move... Make your moves count For God not aganst him!

Weather Woes...

Wow I have to say that people in Tx just say... well it's 30 one day... and 85 the next. we are so used to that. But I have come to realise that the Montanans say... it is 50 (which is hot here...) and snowing 10 minutes later, thats just Montana. I think I am coming to realise that this is just part of living on this planet we call Earth! welcome to Earth!!! This morning I woke up and put on sandals on the way out of the house, I was fine all day! then I picked p the kids from school made it to a few appointments, and got home... In 10 minutes I could not see out the window and the ground was covered in White!! Am prayed it would snow again... and it Did! Wow watch out what you pray for because you just might get it. maybe not that day, but when God wants to give it to you ... BOOM its there. from 45 degrees 1 hour ago, to SNOWING to cover the ground ini like 10 minutes. Watch out God will let it anow in his time!!! As for now my toes are all bundled up in 3 pairs of socks, and well my flip flops are in the back of the closet again, waiting for another snowless, dry day.