Arent these Chica's soooo cute?!
I have to say this poor dog puts up with ALOT!
They are practiving for Uncle's wedding in June
See the wedding veil on the dog?
Silly girls!!
Trust me this will make sense in a minute...
Here is our front yard.
Not too easy to get to, set back off the road quite a bit.

Ok So heres where it just gets scary!
So you peeps in Tx probably havent heard of "NO SHAVE NOVEMBER" Well I took that to a whole new level, as those of you who know me. hehe Deep Down that no shave thing is super sweet. I am a "Mountain mama" hehe So yea its usually a guy thing, and they dont shave till they shoot somthin' out huntin' But me well... maybe lazyness.... hehe
So I was going to attempt "Wordless Wed." on my blog... but then things happened,
I had to add words.
All though my dear Hubby tells the story much more comicly than me I'll try!
So I decided to wax my legs a couple of wednesdays ago,
it is getting sunny here and snow is melting...
I couldnt very well wear shorts with legs like this!
Nope not even in Missoula, dreads ok, not on my legs though!
And just plain hairy legs might get som odd looks.

So as I hike up the PJ pants and get to yankin' all the hairs outta my legs...
(Yea, at the kitchen table,
we prefer to call it the multipurpose table.
is that better than the kitchen table, mom?)
There is an innocent knock at the door. rappa... tappa... tappp....
Ok so we use the side door because the front really doesn't work well,
so most first time guests always try the front.
But the tapping wasnt coming from the front... it was coming from the side door... And well in this house no modern things.... um what are they called... oh Doorbell Not here! we rely on the allmighty rover, or as we call her "Killer" to allert us to anyone at the door.
So the dog barks.... The daughter Yells... Mamma theres people here... Mamma answer the door! as I whisper "We are'nt going to answer the door we don't know them" She insisted we needed to open the door in a VERY LOUD voice. Oh did I forget to tell you they walked by the BIG picture window to the kitchen Twice to and from the door! Right where I had the PJs hiked up and waxin my legs on the table!
Well the Jahova's witnesses wittnessed a little more that day.
I think moral of the story is.... Don't wax yer legs!!! Not even in MT!!!