Thursday, May 28, 2009
For all you checkers!
Ok so I know I promised pics of Yellowstone! they are still on the camera. and I am NOT going to get them on the computer tonight... or this weekend for that matter. I have to wake up in the middle of the night and drive to Washington!! sooo that wont be happening this weekend, but next week I will have lots of uploading to do hu?! Off to Women of faith. I guess they are starting early with all the disciplines of the proverbs woman! but 4AM is taking that all a bit too litterally for me!!!Pray that I will wake, and will be alive for the confrence!!! and not curled up on a seat somewhere in the arena! I love my sleep! I better go get a little. well see if the bare minerals is really sleepable, yup, If I have learned anything from my 10 year old, it is that drastic times call for drastic measures, sleep in yer clothes if you have to! and well Im puttin my make up on too. I may even seee if I can set the coffee maker to come on and make my coffee too. now the hardest part is left, to just get the ol body out of the bed! Off I go to prepare for my midnight awakening!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So many moms get special treatment or spa days for mothers day...
Me no way I am a tough cookie!
Instead I ask for a nice family picture, So in this beautiful city we live,
we went out with great intentions...
there was a little jonny jump up infront of the camera.
We all needed a bit of laughter at this point!
and in the sequence of pictures my little princess
was changing her face in every shot, silly girl trying to be a clown!
in front of the gear bear at a local pizza place.
Ok so we dont live in the carosel,
it is just a BIG thing here,
the community pitched in and built it and dragon hollow some years back.
It is one of the things this community takes much pride in.
one of the fish sculptures near the clarkfork river down town.
I love the picture
I love the picture
(considering it was taken with the camera propped
in a tree branch, and those stupid telephone wires!)
So these were just a few of the places we went this
mothers day to get shots of the fam.
1/2 way into taking pictures it started to rain, and the camera battery went dead, but we were all troopers they went back out and took more pictures after a sunday noon nap.
We had a good day!
So it was worth the torture!
So it was worth the torture!
I love my kids and the great (multiple) Good shots I got of them!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Going GREEN!
Isn't she adorable?!!!!
Little Miss "Fiona" (Shrek) planting plants that we hope will be able to live

since it is still a little cool outside.

OK so I have to admit the last few weeks have all kind of run together. we have been to the ER 2 times (good thing it across the street)and had a runaway issue with a teen we work with, Life has been a little crazyand on top of that we are trying to fit in seeing Montana since this is where God has us. Sapphire hunting was super fun, so much that we brought home BAGS of dirt. Yup you read that right. Yes we are a little insane.
GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! my hubby is home... and I was supposed to be packing we are off to Yellowstone. See ya soon!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
How is this going to end?
Ok it all started with the innocent sink sprayer again, and involved a not so innocent medicine surrenge too. then they moved outside to the garden hose. So hubby decided to encourage outside play with the good ol Superman slip'n'slide.Now how do you think this will turn out?
I know my fellow moms can see what I can see in this picture,
and probably use their super mom powers
to tell the future of what will become of this.
What do you think will happen?
What do you think will happen?
And the little one sunning on a rock, to stay warm.
until someone points to the BIG dirt pile in the back yard.
What do You think happens next?
Forget the slip'n'slide "lets take the hose to the pile" they say.
Yes my fellow psychic mothers thats where it ended in the dirt pile that was not dirt when they were finished. read on to see what happened next!
Good clean dirty fun!
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