Friday, July 31, 2009

Griz & Wolf Discovery Center

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...
it's the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery center!

I love this picture of the bear.

Lazy Dayz!

There are 2 wolf Packs in captivity here.

These guys kept looking at my little Morsel of a daughter.

I wasn't too comfortable with that.

Good thing we didn't run into them in the wild!

More pictures of Yellowstone!

Our little "holy huddle" Self explanitory...
It actually started raining as we walked the 1/4 mile hike to the tree. It was FREEZING!!!
But we made it!
With pictures to show!
Mr. Cool Man!More of the "Devils Thumb" area
I think I loved this area the most

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Devils Thumb

Here we are in our little family huddle! Me & My Honey
That isn't ice behind us!
It is some sort of rock ash stuff.

I Love this picture!
Ok so I tried to turn this picture 3 or more times,
and it wants to flow sideways!
So who am I to tell the water which wat to run?

Once again I love this picture...
can you tell My computer isnt cooperating with me?
Oh I ment to do that! Yea right!

Oh look You didnt believe me?
It was more than 3 times I tell ya!!!!!
Ok just look at this,
you have 3 kids running around
rambunctiously behind you. They are just happy to be out of the car.
Look down....
Nothing between here and the bottom.
Makes me nervous just seeing the picture!
Next time Kids stay in the car!
Maybe we can all stay in the car, the safe comfy car!
So maybe I am afraid of heights...
Ok so this is the Devils thumb....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Ok so I am getting a little frustrated!! Maybe I need to quit for today.....
This was a beautiful geothermal pool More pretty pics. wish they were turned right! Ghhrrrrrr!

Watching Old Faithful

The real deal. Thats Old faithful, It doesn't really shoot sideways.
It actually shoots streight up!
Ok there are more pictures here I know I turned! I am soo sorry! Allthough looking at this one from the side takes off 10 pounds! hehe

More "bustalo" crossing the river twards us, Infact this was our first spotting on our journey.

Here was our only moose!
We werent even in Yellowstone yet either.
We were driving along and there he was on the side of the road.
No one believed I spotted the moose, so we had to back track and... There it was!
Look at the boiling mud pots.... ewwww

Wild animals!!!

Oh well I suppose you'll just have to turn your computer
on its side to see these Beautiful wild animals!Ok this is one of isaiah's pictures, and I think he got a little too close!
Another scary picture!

Little hungry animal!

Ok OK so heres a picture of a real black bear,
they are pretty elusive, but we did get top see one, or two!

I thought this picture was cool!

Over the passes and through the park on a family vacation we go!

More pretty pictires, need a little photo shop lesson from my friends ... there are people up there at the top, and that sign could go too... A view from the top... So I guess I was that person on the top in someone elses picture...
OK, and another frady mommy moment! (I made the kids stay in the car, while I hung off the side of the wall to take this picture) LOL right I was afraid to just look over the wall, so my camera did the "hanging over part".
This silly thing... we sat and waited like 15 minutes, and it did not erupt, so we started to drive, and guesss what! there it is as we were driving away!!!

The boardwalks that wind around some of the geothermal features.

There were many large crevices in the ground that just breathe out steam all the time!
It was pretty neat!

Nature takes time!!!

Ok so I know I havent posted in like 200 years! Here are some pictures from Yellowstone in May! What a beautiful place it is! Enjoy! Big "graceful" Bustalo...
Watch out they can turn on a dime, and you dont want them charging at you!!!
So maybe this is too close for comfort for me! The boys wanted to get out of the car, I think taking a picture from the sun roof is risky, but better than getting out!

Boiling Hot vats of water, Kinda cool, Yet again scary for a mother with her children. People have actually been boiled to death in these things... So the fear is not irrational! right???

I think this is the same paint pot as above, It just stopped bubbling. They are soo beautiful.
Can you imagine the people who stumbled upon this place way back when? People thought they were crazy with these discriptions of things. But its here, its natural, and its soo cool!