I guess It probably wouldn't make it here, hu? The mail man might get hungry!!! My bet is It wouldn't even make it outta Texas!
Cheese Chili Rellano mmmmmm .......
mmmmmm Queso Flamado!!! Just make sure ALL the alcohol they put in there is burned off before you eat the queso! If not you could leave the restraunt a little tipsy, without even drinking!! Its stiff stuff I guess thats what it takes to torch the whole bowl! mmmmmmmmm good stuff!!
Ok this one has memories... I love to stand in the entry way of this restraunt and just stare at this... It is great... wait till someone walks through and stare up and say WOOOOOW! It is too funny people look up and keep walking... lotsa laughs were released here! It is huge, and pretty too, just a FUN past time!!!! only those who are fond of me would appreciate!!

OK tonight I didn't want to cook, I was being LAZY.... so we were going to go out to eat, but where? hmmmmm.................... Since there are just too many super good gormet restraunts here in this tiny little one DollarTree town..... Decisions are tough. Tony mentioned the Stagering OX.... hehe Yuck!! all though Mom enjoyed the food there when she visited. (not) Well we ended staying home and yup I cooked steak and fake mashed potatos, and real green beans. It wasnt bad and I am known for my quick in less than 30 minute dinners.
All of this said just so I can post these pictures. We contimplated going to get this kind of food, but we would have to travel upwards of 2000 miles to get there! mmmmmmmm....... I can taste it!
Mamacitas......mmmmmmm............I so just can't wait to go eat a plate of yummy cheese!!!! oh and peppers and beans and rice................. and real tortillas! mmmmmmmm
1 comment:
Soon, very soon you will be here enjoying and taking pictures of yummy food. Sorry T, not you. :(
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