Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What a blog is for...
Ok so my dear boy was at school and in his class they work hard al week so that on Friday they get "incentive" which I guess last week was an extra recess, (all though when we talked with the teacher she said it was an educational project like fractions w/ M&M's or something like that) Ok so apparently my boy hadn't turned in all his work... ok I get this. So he asked why he wasn't getting incentive. and the teacher said"Thats not a very smart question, you know."
What compilation of words would you use to say stupid without saying "that" word?
lets see, she used the ones I was thinking, how bout you? Aren't those the words you were thinking? I don't know about you but I do not find these words apropriate in any setting if you are a teacher! Ok maybe he wasnt fully paying attention, if you know my child, this is usual, it is something you learn to work around.
When I asked him about why he didnt get incentive he told me, I didn't have all my work turned in. Ok so fine. he "needs" to miss incentive. so he didnt earn it this week. FINE, but when he asks why how come the teacher says that is a stupid question? (yes I am paraphrasing as for earlier stated reason, the words mean the same thing!) Is she too lazy to say child child... you didn't finish whatever so you didn't earn incentive this week. HELLLLOOOOO is that too hard? she went out of her way to use the words "not very smart" so why couldnt she just tell him What he was missing? Yes I believe there are really some inappropriate questions, some people call these stupid. but I really don't think this was one of them! He didn't know!
ok on with the rest of my frustration.... so I wrote a note to the teacher. I asked why he got his incentive taken away, because he couldnt tell me what work he hadn't done. he said" I think it might be because i didnt finish, a paper in Social Studies" ok fine then he told me what she said to him in front of the class. Don't we teach our children there are no stupid questions?
So I got a message this morning on my voice mail, that apparently my child is not telling me the truth. ( knida funny, last years teacher said that was a strong point he had, other people would lie about lots, but my boy always was an honest child) No I am not saying that my child can't lie, or that he has never lied, But the story she told is that she said" that was not a very smart question, because he knew what he didn't have." Ok if he knew why did he ask? And why is she calling my son a liar now too??? The story that she told was the exact same as the one he told me so why is my kid a liar??? Ok as you can see I am not upset he missed "incentive" whatever if he didn't finish his work ok! but how can she talk to him like this infront of the class and then call him a liar to me? THAT IS MY FRUSTRATION!! Am I wrong? I want your opinion!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More funny fields of TX
Ok these are still on private property outside of Amarillo, in 2007 (I think) they were painted pink for breast cancer awarenes, and I am not too sure about the year but the owner dug these suckers up and replanted them further from the freeway, because the artistic value was being lost with them so close, so ... he moved them back a little further on his property so now there is nothing on the horizon, but tumble weed and dust.
Dont think for a minute that Norm wasnt there!
Infact Princess got to enjoy this one too!!
There is actually anotherfield we didn't makr it to this time, but we will hit next time, it is the combine farm... there are 12 of them! in the dirt... How CRAZY... but how fun..
Next time!
Only in TX
The TACKY,yet tasteful Texas
I only had one think to say, Tacky!
But I guess it is hard to miss driving route 66.
what you miss in the pictures, there were thousands of parchisie like jewel pieces glued to the windows of the front door. hmmm among other crazy like tacky things... like the colors...lets just say our HOA wouldnt let that fly!
There are some odd farms in TX
A Happy Gnome, and a cranky princess
we found this castle in Amarillo.
A year ago when we passed it, it was blue,
but we knew we needed to stop and take advantage
of getting a pic. of the little spoiled girl and her castle!
"No more pictures PLEASE"
Craving TX Beef
Fun Times around the "red truck"
What can I say it is a family thing!
we love our red trucks.
I know thats a bold statement, But Man are they Wonderful!!
Charcoal house San Angelo, TEXAS! mmmmmmm
Thursday, September 4, 2008
This old house
I am so excited that even with us being so far away that my children get to experience a little bit of this. All though the farm in Bronte is not in the family anymore, there are plenty of memories to be had at this little house.
The little one is looking for "acorns" to crack and eat in grandaddys yard.
(She is looking for pecans)
And munch... Well he loves to put together parts, and things.
What a cool "fort" this is. Cousin Drew helped build it.
Vroom vroom... chugga chugga Fun Fun Fun!!
Love Ya!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Travels of Norm, and a birthday wish!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Charlie!
Happy Birthday to you!
Only in TX!
Happy Birthday Brother!!
"Billy Bob wrote Charline... John Deer green"
Rays and other things...
No the mail box isn't her mother! She is darn spankin cute,
its the new niece, and yes she was perfectly safe, I promise!
The end of a long day.
what is even more entertaining is trying to get a stroller outta that thing. Trust me I have pictures of when my oldest was a baby... It doesn't work too well!
An exciting day at the zoo!
There's just something about the mystery of the unknown that is intriguing.
(and it wasn't anything but a dirt field!)
they were much more photogenic than the hippo hinies, be greatful for that!