Rays Drive in
The best place to have puffy tacos!
who ever said Henrys is great...
well don't believe it,
Ray is his older brother who showed Henry how to make them.
Ok so it is on the wrong side of the tracks,
and it can get a little dangerous, wev'e all heard the stories.
But as mr chef wierdo guy on the noon news there says "Ohhh it's soo good"
Thanks to my inlaws I can appreciate this place now, but only when the sun is up.
And to think I'd never had a puffy taco before rays.
Forget los barrios Bobby Flay, & throw down with Ray!
Ok I had to take this picture. More sentimental value here.
These signs are not found where we live now! nope, not a one!
I think they fell they dont need them. no there are'nt lots of squished pedestrians.
People stop for them where ever you are!! Very wierd! I almost rearended a guy just the other day on the freeway. he decided to come to a compleete stop for a guy to cross the road. Ummmm hello! We are from TX and well theyd've been a speed bump in like 2-3 seconds.
Not here we are learning to stop.
We used to have the TX license plates and yell "Were from TX we don't stop" but now we blend in with the new MT plates.
The next best thing I can think of is to get personalised plates that says run don't walk, or no brake for peds or somthing horrible like that.
No the mail box isn't her mother! She is darn spankin cute,
its the new niece, and yes she was perfectly safe, I promise!
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