Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What a blog is for...

Ok I am taking a break from the memoirs of our road trip to TX. I am going to use my you blog for what it was created for. To air my frustrations to the world. I know that yall are teachers, and stay at home moms, and probably have some experience, and deffinately your own opinion on this situation, I want to hear it!! so post a coment, or email me back! I wanna know what you have to say!
Ok so my dear boy was at school and in his class they work hard al week so that on Friday they get "incentive" which I guess last week was an extra recess, (all though when we talked with the teacher she said it was an educational project like fractions w/ M&M's or something like that) Ok so apparently my boy hadn't turned in all his work... ok I get this. So he asked why he wasn't getting incentive. and the teacher said"Thats not a very smart question, you know."
What compilation of words would you use to say stupid without saying "that" word?
lets see, she used the ones I was thinking, how bout you? Aren't those the words you were thinking? I don't know about you but I do not find these words apropriate in any setting if you are a teacher! Ok maybe he wasnt fully paying attention, if you know my child, this is usual, it is something you learn to work around.
When I asked him about why he didnt get incentive he told me, I didn't have all my work turned in. Ok so fine. he "needs" to miss incentive. so he didnt earn it this week. FINE, but when he asks why how come the teacher says that is a stupid question? (yes I am paraphrasing as for earlier stated reason, the words mean the same thing!) Is she too lazy to say child child... you didn't finish whatever so you didn't earn incentive this week. HELLLLOOOOO is that too hard? she went out of her way to use the words "not very smart" so why couldnt she just tell him What he was missing? Yes I believe there are really some inappropriate questions, some people call these stupid. but I really don't think this was one of them! He didn't know!
ok on with the rest of my frustration.... so I wrote a note to the teacher. I asked why he got his incentive taken away, because he couldnt tell me what work he hadn't done. he said" I think it might be because i didnt finish, a paper in Social Studies" ok fine then he told me what she said to him in front of the class. Don't we teach our children there are no stupid questions?
So I got a message this morning on my voice mail, that apparently my child is not telling me the truth. ( knida funny, last years teacher said that was a strong point he had, other people would lie about lots, but my boy always was an honest child) No I am not saying that my child can't lie, or that he has never lied, But the story she told is that she said" that was not a very smart question, because he knew what he didn't have." Ok if he knew why did he ask? And why is she calling my son a liar now too??? The story that she told was the exact same as the one he told me so why is my kid a liar??? Ok as you can see I am not upset he missed "incentive" whatever if he didn't finish his work ok! but how can she talk to him like this infront of the class and then call him a liar to me? THAT IS MY FRUSTRATION!! Am I wrong? I want your opinion!


laura said...

there are a MILLION different ways to answer his question, such as "remember that assignment in math you didn't return? or remember on tuesday that you didn't finish that science paper? that is all she had to say. the use of the word 'stupid' should be banned from schools and any teacher who uses it should be fired. plain and simple. i would definately make an appointment with the principal to make him aware of the situation. the point is not that he didn't get the incentive, but how he was addressed by an adult. teachers (and parents) are constantly telling kids to be respectful to people, they deserve the same respect in return. another reason to let the principal know is that he may not be the only student that she has talked to that way and other parents may have complained already. *whew*. ok, stepping down off my soap box.

laura said...

so, what happened?