Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So many moms get special treatment or spa days for mothers day...
Me no way I am a tough cookie!
Instead I ask for a nice family picture, So in this beautiful city we live,
we went out with great intentions...
And great expectations. This was one of the last pictures we took,
there was a little jonny jump up infront of the camera.
We all needed a bit of laughter at this point!
Here are my kiddos,
and in the sequence of pictures my little princess
was changing her face in every shot, silly girl trying to be a clown!
in front of the gear bear at a local pizza place.

This is where we live!
Ok so we dont live in the carosel,
it is just a BIG thing here,
the community pitched in and built it and dragon hollow some years back.
It is one of the things this community takes much pride in.

Fishin' this is another pic. of us at
one of the fish sculptures near the clarkfork river down town.
I love the picture
(considering it was taken with the camera propped
in a tree branch, and those stupid telephone wires!)
Me Familia!
So these were just a few of the places we went this
mothers day to get shots of the fam.
1/2 way into taking pictures it started to rain, and the camera battery went dead, but we were all troopers they went back out and took more pictures after a sunday noon nap.
We had a good day!
So it was worth the torture!
I love my kids and the great (multiple) Good shots I got of them!

1 comment:

annselma said...

all of you look great! And I have one word for those telephone lines - photoshop.