Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who is God?

OK God is God, Creator, redeemer, friend. No Doubt! Completely, wholely,holy! My question is... ?
I understand how people can fall away from the church. I understand that with or without a personal relationship with Christ you can fall away from organized religion, What is organized religion? What is religion?
why do we have it?
Do we end up caring More about fighting about what religion we are?
What we do first, or last, or how we do it?
Or What our religion is about? What is it about?
Is it about Sharing the kind of relationship we have with God with others?
Sunday School?
which hymnal to use?
Do we get cought up in reality here on earth?
What we can see and strugle with?
the very real struggles that we deal with here on earth on a daily basis?
Where should our minds be?
What should our focus in life be?
What should I do today?
What is our goal in life?
To get a paycheck?
to get a new car?
to buy a house?
What are "fundamentals"
Why do we have them?
Who are we without them?
Do we really want people to know who we really are without them?
God is MY foundation!
There are many things at this point in my life that are trying to rock that foundation. sad to say these things are closely tied to the church, the very thing that was created to tell others about God, now I have been told that is is a bad thing to have "fundamentals" excuse me tha deffinition of the word comes from the word foundation.
fun-da-mental = basic,essential,primary,central importance.
fun-da-mentalism= Protestant religious movement emphasizing the literal infalability of the bible. A movement or attitude of strict adherance to a set of basic principals.
So that iswhat webster says!
Are we as Christ followers fundamentalists? YES! strict religionalists? maybe not so,
But we need foundation! God is mine!
Can a church be built without foundation?
can we float around and not know as a "church" , or what as staff members we each believe?
What if I bring someone to church and You mislead them?
what if you tell them that all they have do is acknowledge God? Have you mislead them?
Satan acknowledges God!
Faith! what is faith?
Jesus Christ Died for my sins, and for your sins. He is my savior. I dont think it is appropriate to stand on the street corner and scream, I do find it nessicary to tell others about what he has done for us. Is there a line? should we dull the word to attract people? Doesn't this Quench the spirit? Who does this help? Deffinately not God! Why are we here? God put us here to speak his truth to tell others about him to bring his glory to them! Not to dull it down, water it down and push Jesus Christ to the side! Jesus Died for my sins and HE IS MY SAVIOR! He saved me from a mirey pit of muck. My life is changed and I would hope people can see this in my life I hope I do not cover him up or water him down, HE LIVES IN ME! I want people to know I am who I am because of the creator of the earth, he gave me a second and third and fourth chance, you can have that too! God Loves you too, I cant say hes not dissapointed when we flub something up, BUT I can say he will give you another chance! All we have to do is ask!
I can say God gave me just what I wanted... Exactly what I prayed for a year ago! Now... Well I am not quite sure thats what I want, It looked good in theory last year... Now ... well not so much. All I know is that I trust MY GOD. I know my god knows what he is doing and I love Him for that. I know His glory will shine through this because That is why I am here!
I am not here for me, my husband, or for my children,
I am here for MY GOD's GLORY!
I will not water him down, I will not drown Jesus. He has given me so much, I pray that he will lead me to be a good steward of what he has given me for his glory.
Call me a fundamentalist! But please! My foundation is in God. and without foundation we will all fall. I do believe in theinerrancy of the bible! I do believe in litteral Hell, I do believe! God is my rock and if that makes me a fundamentalist, well then thats what I am! By golly and I am proud of it. I may not be so proud of the things organized religion has done to my Jesus, they have put him in a box to be the man they want him to be, well look it up baby, cause there are some things he did that many "churches" wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole! Why cant we see this? Get out there and tell people what you believe, dont just sit in a pew and not live it! Challenge yourself to live what you believe! Get out of the "religious" box and show others the love of Jesus! Jesus isnt just for church anymore! Jesus died for all of us. Not just those of us in the church, on sunday! Druggies,strippers, murderers, EVERYONE! Why do we think that Jesus is just for those of us under the steeple? Who was jesus? who did he hang out with? was it the priests? The people that need Jesus most likely will not be seeking for him, yes there will be those, but Jesus needs to be brought to them, where they are. why do we think that oh let God do the work... he will bring people into the church? Why does he have to bring them to us? why cant we go to them and show them what God has done in our lives and share him right there on the street, or in that school, or hospital, or homeless shelter, or pregnancy center? Why do we believe they will all just walk through the door? We need to "GO therefore and make deciples" it doesnt say sit and wait under the steeple and wait for people to come in and ask who God is and What Jesus did for us.

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