Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nature takes time!!!

Ok so I know I havent posted in like 200 years! Here are some pictures from Yellowstone in May! What a beautiful place it is! Enjoy! Big "graceful" Bustalo...
Watch out they can turn on a dime, and you dont want them charging at you!!!
So maybe this is too close for comfort for me! The boys wanted to get out of the car, I think taking a picture from the sun roof is risky, but better than getting out!

Boiling Hot vats of water, Kinda cool, Yet again scary for a mother with her children. People have actually been boiled to death in these things... So the fear is not irrational! right???

I think this is the same paint pot as above, It just stopped bubbling. They are soo beautiful.
Can you imagine the people who stumbled upon this place way back when? People thought they were crazy with these discriptions of things. But its here, its natural, and its soo cool!

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